
文章作者:  发布时间: 2014-11-03  


  1.研究生培养工作:退休后还为研究生开设了《群论》和《量子信息》课程, 带了三届研究生,有三位研究生的毕业论文被评为校优秀硕士学位论文,并被推荐参加省优秀学位论文的评选。期间,还为学校研究生学术节作过2次学术报告。

  2.科研工作:结合研究生的培养,积极开展学术研究, 始终坚持在科研第一线。退休后以第一作者或联系作者身份发表论文20篇,绝大多数发表在SCI源期刊上(见附录)。其中有2篇论文发表在国际权威刊物Physical Review系列上。




  [1] 狄尧民, 胡宝林, 刘冬冬, 颜士明. 二非正交纯态相混合的Concurrence.《物理学报》, 2006, 55(8), 3869-3874.

  [2] 卞宝安, 狄尧民等. Systematics of g factors of 21+ states in even-even nuclei from Gd to Pt: A microscopic description by the projected shell model. Phys. Rev. C, 2007, 75, 014312.

  [3] 狄尧民, 刘莉. Entanglement capacity of two-qubit unitary operator for rank two mixed states. Science in China (G), 2007 50(6), 691-697.

狄尧民, 刘莉. 二量子比特幺正算符对2秩混合态的纠缠能力. 中国科学(G), 2007, 37(4), 451-457.

  [4] 胡宝林, 狄尧民. Entanglement capacity of two-qubit unitary operator with the help of auxiliary system. Commun. Theor. Phy,2007, 47(6), 1029-1032.

  [5] 刘冬冬, 狄尧民. C mÄC nD-computable States. Science in China (G), 2008, 51(9), 1300-1307.

刘冬冬, 狄尧民.C mÄC n 系统的D-computable态. 中国科学(G), 2008, 38(7), 785-944.

  [6] 魏海瑞, 狄尧民, 张洁.Modified Khaneja-Glaser Decomposition and Realization of Three-Qubit Quantum Gate. Chin. Phys. Lett, 2008, 25(9), 3107-3110.

  [7]狄尧民,张洁, 魏海瑞.Cartan Decomposition of a Two-qutrit Gete. Science in China (G), 2008, 51(11), 1607-1774.

狄尧民,张洁, 魏海瑞. 两Qutrit门的Cartan分解. 中国科学(G), 2008, 38(10), 1322-1330.

  [8]刘莉, 狄尧民, 刘思平. C2ÄC n量子系统的最大纠缠混合态.《量子光学学报》, 2006, 12(4), 189-193.

  [9] 狄尧民, 张洁, 魏海瑞. 量子态控制中的矩阵的分解. 《量子电子学学报》, 2008, 25(5), 513-522.

  [10] 刘思平, 狄尧民. C2ÄC n二参量一类态的量子相对熵纠缠度. 《量子光学学报》, 2008, 14(3), 308-312.

  [11]张洁, 狄尧民,魏海瑞. Realization of Two-Qutrit Quantum Gates with Control Pulses, Cmmun.Theor.Phys. 51(1): 653-658 (2009)

  [12]狄尧民, 王艳, 魏海瑞.Dipole–quadrupole decomposition of two coupledpin 1 systems. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor.43: 065303 (2010)

  [13]魏海瑞, 狄尧民, 王艳, 张洁.Note on Implementation of Three-Qubit SWAP Gate. Commun.Theor.Phys.53(1):78-82(2010)

  [14]魏海瑞, 狄尧民, 王艳. Synthesis of three-qubit gates and their implementation in a three spins system coupled with Ising interacton. Science in China (G), 2010, 53(4): 664-671.

魏海瑞,狄尧民,王艳. 一些3-Qubit门的合成以及在具有Ising相互作用的3自旋链上的实现. 中国科学(G), 2010, 40(3):267-274.

  [15]王艳,狄尧民,魏海瑞. Contolbility of spin 1 systems and realization of ternary SWAP gate in two spin 1 systems coupled with Ising interaction. Science in China (G), 2010, 53(10):

王艳,狄尧民,魏海瑞.自旋为一的量子系统的可控性已经3进制SWAP门在具有Ising相互作用的双自旋系统上的实现。中国科学(G), 2010, 40(8): 945-949.

  [16] 狄尧民,刘思平,刘冬冬. Entanglment for a two-paramenter class of states in a high-dimension bipartatite system. Science in China (G), 2010, 53(10):

 狄尧民,刘思平,刘冬冬.一类两体高维2参量态的量子纠缠特性. 中国科学(G), 2010, 40(8):945-949.

  [17] 刘冬冬, 狄尧民*, 一类两体三参量态的量子纠缠特性,量子光学学报, 12(4): 189-193 (2010).

  [18] 狄尧民,魏海瑞. Elementary gates for ternary quantum logic circuits, ArXiv: quant-ph:1105.5482.

  [19] 魏海瑞, 狄尧民,Decomposition of orthogonal matrix and synthesis of two-qubit and three-qubit orthogonal gates, Quant. Inf. Comp. 12(3~4):0262-0270 (2012).

  [20]狄尧民,魏海瑞. Synthesis of Multi-valued Quantum Logic Circuits by Elementary Gates, Phys. Rev. A 87 012325 (2013)
